#include <Servo.h> //#include <L293.h> #define pinForward 8 #define pinBack 7 #define pinSpeedForwardBack 6 #define pinFrontLights 2 #define pinBackLights 3 #define pinFrontSteering 10 //L293(pinForward, pinBack, pinFwdBakVel); //L293 redCar(pinForward,pinBack,pinSpeedForwardBack); Servo leftRight; byte commands[4] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00}; byte prevCommands[4] = {0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01}; //Variables will be used to determine the frequency at which the sensor readings are sent //to the phone, and when the last command was received. unsigned long timer0 = 2000; //Stores the time (in millis since execution started) unsigned long timer1 = 0; //Stores the time when the last sensor reading was sent to the phone unsigned long timer2 = 0; //Stores the time when the last command was received from the phone //14 byte payload that stores the sensor readings byte three[14] = {0xee,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xcc}; //Constant used to caculate the 9V battery voltage (9.04 mV per step) float stepSize = 9.04; //The union allows you to declare a customized data type, in this case it can be either //a float or a byte array of size 4. What we need is to store a float which is 4 //bytes long and retrieve each of the 4 bytes separately. union u_sensor0{ byte a[4]; float b; }sensor0; union u_sensor1{ byte c[4]; float d; }sensor1; int i = 0;
#define M1a 5 // pwm-porter #define M1b 6 #define M2a 9 #define M2b 10 #define ENA 8 #define ENB 7
#define bluetooth Serial
void setup() { bluetooth.begin(115200); // Serial.begin(115200); // Serial.println("test"); pinMode(pinFrontLights, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinBackLights, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinFrontLights,HIGH); digitalWrite(pinFrontLights,HIGH); // delay(500); digitalWrite(pinFrontLights,LOW); // digitalWrite(pinFrontLights,LOW);
motor(0,88); // kjøretøy i roø Første parameter er fart, den andre retning der 88 er rett fram }
void loop() { if (bluetooth.available() == 4) { timer2 = millis(); //Store the time when last command was received memcpy(prevCommands, commands, 4); //Storing the received commands commands[0] = bluetooth.read(); //Direction commands[1] = bluetooth.read(); //Speed commands[2] = bluetooth.read(); //Angle commands[3] = bluetooth.read(); //Lights and buttons states /* Serial.print(int(commands[0]), HEX); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(int(commands[1])); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(int(commands[2])); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(int(commands[3])); Serial.println(" "); */ if((commands[2]<=0xb4)&&((commands[0]<=0xf5)&&(commands[0]>=0xf1))){ //Make sure that the command received involves controlling the car's motors (0xf1,0xf2,0xf3) if(commands[0] <= 0xf3){ if(commands[0] == 0xf1){ //Check if the move forward command was received if(prevCommands[0] != 0xf1){ //Change pin state to move forward only if previous state was not move forward // redCar.forward_1W(commands[1]); // Serial.println("Updated direction FWD"); motor(commands[1],commands[2]); } } else if(commands[0] == 0xf2){ //Check if the move back command was received if(prevCommands[0] != 0xf2){ //Change pin state to move back only if previous state was not move back // redCar.back_1W(commands[1]); //Serial.println("Updated direction BAK"); motor(-commands[1],commands[2]); } } else if(commands[0] == 0xf3){ //Check if the move back command was received // if(prevCommands[0] != 0xf3) { //Change pin state to move back only if previous state was not move back // redCar.stopped_1W(); //Serial.println("Updated direction STP"); motor(0,commands[2]); } } //Change speed only if new speed is not equal to the previous speed if(prevCommands[1] != commands[1]){ prevCommands[1]=commands[1]; // redCar.setSpeed_1W(commands[1]); //Serial.println("Updated speed"); if(commands[0] == 0xf1) motor(commands[1],commands[2]); else if(commands[0] == 0xf2) motor(-commands[1],commands[2]); } ; //Steer front wheels only if the new angle is not equal to the previous angle if(prevCommands[2] != commands[2]){ leftRight.write(commands[2]); //Serial.println("Updated angle"); } } else if(commands[0] == 0xf5){ if(prevCommands[0] != 0xf5){ //Stop everything // redCar.stopped_1W(); motor(0,commands[2]); digitalWrite(pinFrontLights,LOW); digitalWrite(pinBackLights,LOW); } } else{ //Here you put the code that will control the tilt pan (commands[0] == 0xf4) } //Check the front/back lights and other toggles if(prevCommands[3] != commands[3]){ //Serial.println(commands[3],BIN); //Change the light/button states // _______________________________________________ //command[3] = | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | binary // |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____| //Buttons ----> Front Back Horn A B C D E //Front lights if((bitRead(prevCommands[3],7))!=(bitRead(commands[3],7))){ if(bitRead(commands[3],7)){ digitalWrite(pinFrontLights,HIGH); } else{ digitalWrite(pinFrontLights,LOW); } } //Back lights if((bitRead(prevCommands[3],6))!=(bitRead(commands[3],6))){ if(bitRead(commands[3],6)){ digitalWrite(pinBackLights,HIGH); } else{ digitalWrite(pinBackLights,LOW); } } //Horn if((bitRead(prevCommands[3],5))!=(bitRead(commands[3],5))){ if(bitRead(commands[3],5)){ tone(horn,500); } else{ noTone(horn); // slår av hornet }
} } } else { //Resetting the Serial port (clearing the buffer) in case the bytes are not being read in correct order. // Serial.end(); // Serial.begin(9600); } } else{ timer0 = millis(); //Get the current time (millis since execution started) if((timer0 - timer2)>400){ //Check if it has been 400ms since we received last command //More tan 400ms have passed since last command received, car is out of range. Therefore //Stop the car and turn lights off // redCar.stopped_1W(); // motor(0,commands[2]); digitalWrite(pinFrontLights,LOW); digitalWrite(pinBackLights,LOW); } if((timer0 - timer1)>=477){ //Check if it has been 477ms since sensor reading were sent //Calculate the 9V's voltage by multiplying the step size by the step number (analogRead(0)) //This value will be in mV, which is why it's multiplied by 0.001 to convert into Volts. sensor0.b = (analogRead(0) * stepSize) * 0.001; //Break the sensor0 float into four bytes for transmission three[1] = sensor0.a[0]; three[2] = sensor0.a[1]; three[3] = sensor0.a[2]; three[4] = sensor0.a[3]; //Get sensor 2's reading sensor1.d = analogRead(1); //Break the sensor1 float into four bytes for transmission three[5] = sensor1.c[0]; three[6] = sensor1.c[1]; three[7] = sensor1.c[2]; three[8] = sensor1.c[3]; //Get the remaining reading from the analog inputs three[9] = map(analogRead(2),0,1023,0,255); three[10] = map(analogRead(3),0,1023,0,255); three[11] = map(analogRead(4),0,1023,0,255); three[12] = map(analogRead(5),0,1023,0,255); //Send the six sensor readings Serial.write(three,14); //Store the time when the sensor readings were sent timer1 = millis(); } } }
void motor(int x, int y) / { y= map(y,66,110,-100,100); // kursen endres til et intervall mellom -100 og 100. Større //verdier gir for kraftige utslag. analogWrite(M1a,constrain(x+y,0,255)); analogWrite(M1b,constrain(-x-y,0,255)); analogWrite(M2a,constrain(x-y,0,255)); analogWrite(M2b,constrain(-x+y,0,255)); }